We believe the Spirit speaks through our neighbor, the congregation, and sacred stories in scripture.
We believe we are called to follow the teachings of Jesus, and we believe that other religious communities may find their own path to God.
We believe the creation of God is sacred and beautiful, and we are learning to respect it.
We believe all humans are created in God’s image, so we seek the dignity of all.
We believe in working for a just world for all.
We believe all are welcome in the church and at the communion table with Christ. We affirm that God's children come from all races, abilities, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
We believe in asking questions, even when we do not have answers.
We believe in seeking truth in the history, sacred scriptures, and traditions of the Church, yet we repent of the harm that the Church has done in God’s name.
We believe in being in relationship with the wider United Church of Christ to listen and learn from the national church’s beliefs and values.