The sacrament of baptism is the rite where God welcomes each person into the community and care of the church. The waters of baptism are like the waters of the Flood that created a new creation (1 Peter 3:18-22). In the United Church of Christ, individuals may be baptized as children or adults. At First Congregational, we baptize by sprinkling water from the baptismal font. After the parents promise to love and care for the child, the church does the same. When children and infants are baptized, we remember that God’s love and inclusion in the family of God comes before any conscious decision on our part. God has loved and cared for us since birth.
To schedule a baptism, please email our office administrator

We value celebrating this moment of covenant between an individual and their partner before God. As an Open and Affirming Congregation, we welcome couples of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations.
Call the church office 608.784.8137 to receive a copy of the Wedding Booklet with further information on marriages in our sanctuary. We look forward to exploring with you and your partner this possibility.
Whether we live or we die, we are the Lord’s.
– Romans 14:8b
Our clergy offer this ministry to the family as they honor the life of a loved one. It is available to members, friends of the church, and those unconnected to the church. The funeral may be held a few days following the death of an individual or at the convenience of the family. The service is often held in our main Sanctuary and occasionally in our Chapel. It may also be held at a funeral home with our clergy leading the service.
If you are beginning to plan the funeral of your loved one, please call the church office soon (608.784.8137) so that pastoral staff can begin scheduling the use of the Sanctuary, the service, and musicians. In rare cases, prior scheduled events cannot be rearranged. Contact our office as soon as possible.
Our Community Room is available for meals after the funeral. Please contact the church office to inquire about fees to rent the Community Room and associated cleaning costs for a meal.

Messy Church
This worship service is open to everybody and anybody. It is an interactive worship service for all generations that is based on creativity, hospitality, and celebration. Watch the eGreeting for when the next worship service is held. Anybody and everybody are invited to worship.
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