Our Address:

2503 Main St, La Crosse, WI 54601
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Sunday Service:

Sunday Services are at 10:00 am

During worship, we provide classes for kids from birth through 8th grade.

What else is happening at the church? Sign up for our weekly eGreeting or check out our events or social media.

Worship In-Person or Access Online Worship through our YouTube Channel


Our Story

First Congregational is a progressive, open and affirming church that welcomes all. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Get Involved

Our church provides ways for us to give of our time and our financial resources to serve God and our community.

Share the Love

“A church that welcomes everyone. Very nice church and people.”

- K Lee

“A congregation that is open and affirming and on a journey of listening to the still speaking God who calls us to justice. Dynamic children’s programming, musical variety in worship, and messaging in the sermon that challenges and inspires.”

- Michael

“First Congo has been our spiritual home and true community for over a decade. The welcome, the warmth, support, and openness to All has meant a great deal to us. We wanted to join a church that was Open and Affirming and First Congo is.”

- Bonnie